I’m no psychologist, but I’m pretty sure the COVID-19 crisis has run most DJs, Musicians, and other wedding industry pros through all phases of grief at this point. Shock & Denial. Anger & Blame. Depression & Sadness. Bargaining…and maybe just recently, Acceptance.
But here’s what I do know…
- This is NOT the end of weddings and events. This is temporary. We’re gonna party like crazy when this is all over (more on that below).
- Impacting the greater good of my community, city, county, state, and country is so much more important than anything else right now. We all really just need to stay the #$%& home!
- This time is such a gift. I’m always running around with my foot on the gas. My “some day” has finally arrived and it’s a beautiful thing. I’m building things in the back yard, spending more time with wife my kids, and what the heck is that empty part of the screen when I look at my inbox? It feels great to breathe again…now if I could just get that mountain of gear in the garage organized…
- The outpouring of creativity from DJs & Musicians has been incredible. The live streaming sets, the new content from so many I rarely hear from…and the phone calls and Facetime sessions from friends, family, and colleagues have been so wonderful!
- Change is always hard. Changing routines and habits. Changing mindset may be even harder. It’s how we grow. This is when the magic happens. There’s going to be some good that comes from this, and I know we’re already seeing it at home.
Nearly every day over the past 2 weeks, I have been on the phone with my couples, wedding planners, corporate event planners, and gala organizers figuring out the best approach for each and every event and the people involved- and talk about what it means to be “in it together” with someone. The cooperation, empathy, and togetherness has been unparalleled as we’ve all worked together to reschedule nearly every event that we possibly could, keeping the whole team together more often than not.
What’s Happening to Impacted DQB Events?
At DQB, we stand for 3 things- Music, Love, and People. In times like these, those values becomes more important than ever, and we are putting them above all else. All events that have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, regardless of declared state of emergency in any area, or any speculation about their impact (as far out as June so far), are being rescheduled with no questions asked and no additional fees, to any available date as far as a year into the future. Honestly, we’d probably go further than a year if you asked, we just haven’t had anyone ask yet- 364 days is the longest postponement, from May 9 2020 to May 8, 2021!

What Does This Mean for When This Is All Over?
With more events postponing than canceling, this means that we’re likely looking at a HUGE volume of events this summer and fall- specifically weddings. As inquiries for new potential dates began to roll in, I realized that I was going to need to make some personal scheduling changes.
One thing that some of you know about me it that I really try to strike a work/life balance with a focus on blocking time off for personal reasons. I try to keep one weekend per month free to spend with my family, as well as keeping one unbooked month per year (July) for striking that balance as well.
That’s all changing. Now is my time off. No, we aren’t sipping cocktails out of pineapples or snorkeling somewhere exotic, but I need to make a shift in order to make sure that I help take care of everyone.
So I’m opening up some previously unavailable dates…
That’s right. I’m opening up some previously unavailable dates, and some of them are PRIME. Labor Day Weekend (nevermind, Sat & Sun just booked). Oct 16 & 17. A special personal weekend in November. And I’ll even venture out on New Year’s Eve this year to accomodate the right event.
Below, I’m being more transparent than ever with my availability. I’m doing this now because while I know many events have already postponed, some have not, and need a new date.
Some of you are THINKING about that wedding date, that gala or fundraiser, milestone birthday party, or holiday party. Well here’s what I can do. I’m gonna give you my best. We have a lot to celebrate. Let’s never forget that.
Prime Event Dates That Remain Open for H2 2020 (as of March 24, 2020):
July 2020:
Friday July 10th
Saturday, July 11th
Saturday, July 18th
Saturday, July 25th
Friday, July 31st
August 2020:
Saturday, August 1st
Friday, August 14th
Saturday, August 15th
Friday, August 21st
Saturday, August 22nd
Friday, August 28th
Saturday, August 29th
September 2020:
Friday, September 4th
Friday, September 11th
Saturday, September 12th
Friday, September 18th
Friday, September 25th
October 2020:
Friday, October 9th
Friday, October 16th
Saturday October 17th
Friday, October 23rd
Friday, November 6th
Saturday, November 14
Friday, November 20
Friday, December 11th
Friday, December 18th
Saturday, December 19th
Saturday, December 26th
Thursday, December 31st- NYE
Let’s go crazy. If we haven’t already!